A Genetic Overview of the Briard
Practical Genetics for Briard Breeders and Owners
A Seminar Presented by Jerold S. Bell, DVM Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Filmed at the BCA National Specialty August 19, 2004 — Sturbridge, MA
Set of 2 DVDs — $30 incl. US postage
All proceeds go to the Briard Medical Trust
The BMT has for sale, a 2-DVD set of a presentation entitled “A Genetic Overview of the Briard: Practical Genetics for Briard Breeders and Owners.
This is a taping of a seminar presented by Jerold S. Bell, DVM at the 2004 BCA National Specialty. This program covers pedigree analysis, managing modes of inheritance, and how to apply those principles to minimize health problems in the Briard. All proceeds from the sale of the DVD go the Briard Medical Trust.
Although the pedigrees and health problems presented in the program are tailored to the Briard, the principles discussed are of value to all breeds.
If ordering from outside the US, please contact the BMT for ordering and shipping cost information. Thank you.